Monday, November 02, 2020

Weekend of Wind.

 A lot of the time wind doesn't bother me.  I'll complain about it but it doesn't dictate my riding.  This weekend was different.

Saturday was Halloween.  I waited till the family started to wake up to make a Halloween themed breakfast: orange pancakes, gopher gut syrup (berries boiled down) and cow's blood (chocolate and strawberry syrup in milk).  Around 10 I headed out into the wind on the Cutthroat.

The wind was a solid 15+ mph with gusts much higher.  I never found my groove.  It was a battle.  I never had the "just a bit more" thoughts while riding so I kept the ride on the shorter side.  Even on the return trip the wind wasn't all in my favor.  It was swirling a bunch and starting to switch directions.  I was beat when I got home.

The beatdown.
After the ride we carved some pumpkins.

As predicted the wind increased throughout the day and into the night.  Sunday morning was just as windy.  I didn't have it in me to battle the wind again.  It was below freezing (trails are in the freeze/thaw state) so I headed for the mtb trails.  I met Jim at the River Bluffs.  We did a loop and headed down to Plum Creek.  Then it was off to the east side of the river for the Race Track and the North Loop.  After the Loop we decided to hit up Sand Prairie.  It was good but it is much more fun with snow.  The last section was Friedrich Park.  I overshot a turn I wanted to take so I cut in quickly.  My tire was is a rut.  I put my right leg down.  I hyperextended it, or something, as it's pretty tender.  I decided to take this morning off from riding.  It's feeling much better so the rest was good.

This week is looking amazing for riding.  Get out there!

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