Friday, December 11, 2020

Up North Exploring.

 Sometime around 4:30 on Wednesday we were all loaded and on the road towards Park Falls.  The cabin is about 13 miles north of Park Falls, putting it closer to Itasca State Park.  Two visits in less than a months time.  We are very fortunate for our friends generosity.  This time we came during the week as Jen and the girls can distance teach/learn anywhere there is internet.  So they get a change of scenery for learning and I for riding!

I ended up sleeping almost 9 hours Wednesday night!  Thus I got a bit later start than I wanted.  I think it was around 8:30 when I pushed off on the Cutthroat.  They have received a bit more snow than us.  But never a ton so the gravel roads weren't plowed.  The snow had turned to ice in many spots from car traffic. I was given the heads up on this so I put some 45NRTH Nicotine 29x2.35" studded tires on.  While they are not the fastest rolling, they kept me upright.

Not all roads were snow covered but many were like this one.

The friend with the cabin also made me a couple routes.  One for the Cutthroat and one for the Mukluk.  I brought three bikes.  I'm prepared!  The route I rode yesterday was primarily on Forest Service roads.  My god they are so fun.  I wish we had these back home.  
I'm pretty good with direction and navigation.  But on these Forest Service roads they twist and wind so much I eventually lost my bearings.  I had a route to follow so I wasn't lost but when I thought I was heading West I was actually heading North.  I love when that happens.  

This is the remnants of a Logging Company that started in 1905.  I dig history like this, especially while out riding.  I'm reading a history book on how MN came to be.  It talks a lot about this area.  Illegal harvesting of lumber was a big deal.

There were no crazy, long climbs but continuous short, punchy climbs...seemingly never ending.  There were a few very steep climbs with slick conditions that had me in my easiest gear, 40x50.  I don't use that back home.
As it warmed up it never got "messy" but areas did become a bit more soft.  And yeah, the aerobars didn't get used much with all the climbing.

Because of the distance of the ride (123 miles), the type of roads, and the bike I knew I wouldn't be setting any speed records and most likely be out after dark.  Knowing this I brought my headlight as well.
Yep, getting dark.

Made it back!

What a great ride!  Super fun exploring all these new roads and areas.  There were so many other roads I went by that I could spend a summer up here and still have untouched areas.  I nabbed 96 new miles yesterday.

I started the ride off a bit dehydrated and didn't drink nearly what I should have during the ride.  The legs are feeling the effects.  I drank a bunch last night but sometimes it's too late.  I'm heading out this morning on another Cutthroat adventure, but shorter by about 50 miles.  Hope to do some hiking with the family this afternoon when they are done with school.

Have a great weekend.

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