Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Busting Trail.

 Both Monday and Tuesday mornings were spent on the Mukluk.  Monday I hit up the River Bluffs and Tuesday it was Sand Prairie.  The warmth and sun is doing a number on the exposed trails at Sand Prairie. Fingers crossed we get snow Thursday and Friday this week.  

Riding through the reeds on the swampy sections of Sand Prairie I was paying attention for any open water sections.  I usually bust through once a year in these spots as it's a swamp with constant decomposition, thus warm water.  Add in the warm air and sun we've had I was on alert.

And there it water, with dead tadpoles.

I was able to leave work early yesterday afternoon so I took Toby back out to Sand Prairie, starting at the North entrance.  We connected the trail we started last week with Bumpity Bump.  I brought a handsaw this time and spent a could amount of time cutting downfall and head level branches.  We also put in a trail that connects with the swamp trail.  So basically we added a big outer loop to the existing Sand Prairie trails.  It needs a bit more work and use, but mostly it needs some snow to smooth things out a bit.  Plus it may be a bit hard to navigate without snow right now.  I am excited to get back down there and try it out but I'm waiting till tomorrow.  It's warm and low winds this morning so I'm taking the Cutthroat down 8.  Tomorrow and Friday are slotted to be windy so I'm saving the Mukluk for then.

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