Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Crashes and All.

 Both Monday and Tuesday mornings were spent on the Mukluk.  Monday was the River Bluffs, Field of Dreams, Plum Creek, small section of the North Loop and Friedrich Park.  Tuesday was all at Sand Prairie.  With the new trails it's pretty easy to spend 2+ hours down there.

With that being said, I understand Sand Prairie isn't for everyone.  It's rough, especially the new stuff, and really doesn't flow.  For whatever reason I really like it.   I'm ok with low mph averages, falling down, and doing multiple loops.

See, I fell down yesterday.  Pedals got stuck in a bunch of grass.  
It was a comfortable spot.  And it was snowing!

Today Harper goes back to school, hybrid learning, for the first time in a long time.  Still debating if I will head out for a short ride after she gets on the bus of if I will wait for after work.  It's in the single digits now but rising all the way up to the mid to upper 30's.  

My time is running out to complete my 200k virtual Fat Pursuit.  I had hoped we would have had more snow by now so I could incorporate some snowmobile trails in my route.  That's not looking too promising anymore.  I have other options as well.  We'll see what Saturday's snow does.  Last ditch move would be to do the Dirt Bag course with some extensions added in to get the needed distance.

Mid South, big gravel event in Oklahoma, made the decision to go virtual this year.  The event is in March.  This has me wondering about Unbound, formerly Dirty Kansa.  Interesting year so far.

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