Monday, March 01, 2021

A tale of two rides.

 Saturday was a low wind, full sun kind of day.  It wasn't as warm as previous days but the lack of wind and full sun made up for it.  What wind there was was out of the North, later switching NE/E...which I don't think it ever did.  I headed out on the Nature Boy single speed, going towards Foley/Milaca area. The gravel was better than Thursday, which is saying something as Benton County gravel tends to suck.  

My happy place.

I alternated between going North and East until I figured I should head for home.  I managed more gravel this ride as it wasn't nearly as sloppy, although there were spots that required some finesse. 

The Ride.

Overnight, into Sunday, we were supposed to maybe get 1"-3" of snow with 1" being the more likely result.  Wrong.  I woke up to almost 6" of snow!  
Toby was digging it.

It is Spring Break for the girls and Jen.  We opted to not go to Florida as the girls have gymnastics and we're still not stoked on flying with Covid and such.  Thus I went to the grocery store to get some pastries and hash browns.  Spring Break craziness over here, ha!  Afterwards I shoveled then headed over to Sand Prairie (Toby Trails) with Toby, Jen and Brinna.  We snowshoed in a 3 mile loop.  Which will be good till Tuesday when it's back into the 40's.  

Later that afternoon I headed out on the fat bike to the River Bluffs.  Normally the city has the Beaver Island trail plowed ASAP, but it was still snow covered with 1000's of foot prints.  The off road riding was surprisingly good considering I was the first biker, behind a handful of walkers.  But I wasn't in the mood. I was clumsy, getting frustrated, and it was slow.  I kept it short and was home in 2 hours.

Despite yesterday's ride I'm heading out on the fat bike this morning.  We received an inch of more of snow over night.  Figure I'll hit up SP one last time.  The rest of the week is looking rather warm.

Spring is coming.

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