Friday, March 19, 2021

Back in the Saddle.

 Finally, yesterday morning, I was able to get out for a ride after 3 days off the bike.  I got Harper up and fed but Jen made sure she got on the bus so I could head out a bit earlier.  With Day Light Savings it's still dark at 6:20.  I had to work so I put in 2.5 hours for 40 miles.  The gravel was great but only because it was still frozen.  Most of the snow we received is now gone.  Hoping it stays that way.

Brinna had an ortho appointment on Thursday so I biked to work.  Not that one can't commute by bike in poor weather, many do it all the time, but I'm hoping the snow stays away and I can put more effort into getting a routine in for commuting.  With the older girls starting Track season soon it will be easier if they have a car.

I am off today.  The Schad brothers are swinging by this morning.  We are heading out for 5 hours or so.  Depending how things pan out I may break off from them at some point and put in a couple more hours.  Mostly because I haven't ridden much this week, tomorrow is looking very windy (20-30 mph), and a stretch of rain is predicted Sunday afternoon through Wednesday.  Ugh.

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