Saturday, August 20, 2011

Never Too Early.

I did get a nice trail run on Thursday morning. Despite my angst I only hit a few spider webs! Lately I have had zero knee pain during or after the runs. It makes me tempted to up the distance and/or the frequency but I also don't want to risk it. So for now just once a week or so. Running from my house and almost everything at the North Loop is a tad over an hour. I didn't do some of the extra loops. Some more trees need to be cut up and the mud is not too bad. Race weekend at the loop is about a month away!

I then went to work for my short shift. The plan was to then work on the deck/patio. Since I did all the demolition already we just loaded it up and that was it. Jen and the girls were at a friends cabin so I thought a ride was a good idea. Took out the gravel bike and did some of the DirtBag route. Got 3 hours 15 minutes in. Man once the sun starts to go down it goes down.

Yesterday Mike and I met up early in the morning for a cruise, nice and easy. I believe I got something like 2 hours 30-45 minutes. It was good for the legs to just spin. Heading to the gym today then a early, long ride tomorrow before work.
As previously mentioned we are at the Northshore next week so no biking, maybe some trail running, but for sure some family hiking and of course chilling.

Newest member to the Revolution family, never too early to get sponsored!


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