Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Down, Go Boom.

Plans of riding for a bit in the morning on the rebuilt All City were put on hold, both yesterday and today. Getting kids ready and to school take priority...I guess.

I still got a ride in yesterday, as the Monday Night MTB Rides started lst night. North Loop at 8:30 for future reference. I headed out around 7 to get some more time in. I just wasn't "feeling" it yesterday. My mind was in other places. I would catch myself riding at a snails pace or continually clipping trees with my bars and/or shoulders. On my first lap I hit a root (nothing big) but my hands slipped off the bars. The next root sent me flying over the bars in a Pete Rose slide into first base. I landed with a resounding thump followed by an uuffff, from me. I was covered in dirt, ripped my hydration pack chest harness off, bruised knee and ribs. Sweet. Mountain bike riding definitely takes more concentration than a road ride, especially at the North Loop.
At 8:30 I met up with the rest of the riders: Burt, Brian, Jeff, and Charlie. Having others to ride with helped keep me focused and upright, but was still ready to be done. Overall it was a good time but not the experience I was looking for!

I still somewhat hope to get out and ride the All City tonight but crazy strong winds are predicted, it's currently raining, and I have a lot to stuff to do before I leave next week for Colorado...zip, bang, boom, go.

The last of the MN mountain bike series races is this Saturday (24th) at our "famous" North Loop trail. The normal race director is off trying to complete the Appalachian Trail. I have been given the unwanted title of race director. Which is funny since many others have done more work than I for this thing. But still, I'm freaking out a bit. I keep trying to think of things I've missed, what could go wrong, will so and so show up, etc. Ugh, I hate it. Not next year. One and done. {Every year the Almanzo Gentlemen's Ride is on the same date...next year I'm doing it!}So any MMCC (mid Minnesota cycling club) members out there that want this race to go on, it's your time to step up. Talk is cheap. Yeah that's harsh but the club has been run by the same handful of people since it's inception. We have a phenomenal cycling community here in the 320...it's time to have others be more active.

Ok, ok, I'm cool.
Breathe and relax.

Winter will be here soon!


1 comment:

Kyia said...

good venting doom...you are doing a fine job and being too hard on yourself. yes, others need to find the time and love in their hearts to step up as the core group that got the trails on the maps and the races up and running are spread thin, I agree a few new hands would be appreciated.