Thursday, September 22, 2011

No Title.

Got out on the mtb (Selma) yesterday. Met up with Brian, Kyia, and later Nate. Originally I was shooting for 3 hours but called it at 2 hours with 3 laps in. I stayed upright, for the most part, the entire time! Man do I love mountain biking this time of year.

After that it was off to the school with the kids for a "Back To School" event. Somewhat felt it was a waste of 1.5 hours but they are trying to stay connected with the parents so I give them credit for that. Kindergarten teachers are a unique bunch. It's funny how some of them cannot alter they way they talk to 5 year olds and adults. I guess you get in a mode and go with it.

Then it was off to Verizon where I got my new phone and Jen got my old phone till the new iPhone comes out. I got the current iPhone and so far I like it. You know all 10 hours I've had it. Still need to configure it so it gets my emails and such. The first thing I did was download Angry Birds for the kids, per their request. I've never played and most likely won't...not much of a game person, any kind of game. Well Risk is pretty cool.

Today is the day! Taking the All City Nature Boy out for it's first ride. Pretty excited. Not planning on much. This week has been pretty bad for riding. I still have a lot of stuff to do in preparation for being gone all next week. Man I just really suck at getting stuff done and moving on.

Awesome word that our Mukluk 3's will be showing up today! Oh baby, gonna be fun. If you're at all thinking about getting one, come in quick. Several are already spoken for, it's crazy...crazy awesome!



Eric said...
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Eric said...

"Well Risk is pretty cool"

said the PoliSci major