Monday, September 26, 2011

Recap and Send Off.

The race Saturday was a success. We had a couple glitches right away with registration but that was remedied quickly. Numbers appeared to be good, the raffle was good, as well as food sales. So it was a money maker for both the Mid Minnesota Cycling Club and the Nordic Ski Club of Central Minnesota.
After pissing and moaning about being race director, I have decided to do it again! It's somewhat like doing a race for the first time. You learn a lot about what to do the same , differently, or what not to do. So for the time being I'm pretty sure I'm race director for next year. The race itself would not have been the success it was without the support of the the volunteers that came out from both clubs, thanks.

Sunday I wanted to get out and ride the single track since it's in some of the best shape I've ever seen. But it just didn't work out. I'm leaving today for a week so I spent the day with the family. Slept in, made pancakes, went to the apple orchard, cleaned, packed, went out to eat, and bam...time for bed. Fast day.

And with that we (Mike, Angela, and I) depart today for Colorado Springs around 10 this morning. Enough time to drop the kids off at school and a little gym time.
I'm excited for the trip. I think it should be a good time. We are going for Mike's race on Saturday, into Sunday, but we will get some mtb riding in before hand as well.

Over 'n Out.


chance said...

oh rip it up! you will have a blast riding out there! have fun and tell mike good luck!

Eric said...

have fun and keep miguel movin'!

Kyia said...

Thanks for the great job on the race Doom. The whole REV team really steps up for this event and the cycling and Nordic Ski community are very appreciative.