Monday, October 24, 2011

All Kinds of Stuff.

After the riding Wednesday and Thursday my legs were good 'n shot on Friday. I wanted to get a spin in on the legs but just didn't work out. I did get to the gym in the morning for a multitude of exercises, including the Trigger Point it.
My Mom was crazy enough to take our kids and my sister's kid for a long weekend to the cities. Jen and I capitalized on this with dinner and a movie.

Saturday I wanted to run. It's just easier to get a good workout in while running when I work 10-6. Again I ran trails and put in 100 minutes. Very surprised I can run that far and walk the next day. Running slow has really helped alleviate most pain I felt in the past while running.

Sunday I had off from work so per usual I really wanted to get a ride in. However the patio in back has been lingering long enough and the contractor was able to work on it too. Damn, moving pavers for 7 hours is hard work. Definitely no need to ride for a workout! We got a good chunk of it done and is looking pretty damn fine. Hope to finish it off next Sunday.

A little gym time this morning, work, then Monday Night MTB ride. I will make this one!

Also in news: Jen and I are expecting another child in May, maybe April. We are both pretty excited but know we will have our work cut out for us too. It's funny how fast you forget about the sleepless nights! Just like forgetting about how bad a race really was until you are on the starting line, in the rain, the following year! We, as readers of this blog and friends know, had a miscarriage last March. This time has not been without scare, but all is good. Nonetheless we have given the child the temporary name of Little Shit for all the scares they have provided us. Damn, were too old for this!
Super excited.



Kyia said...

Life is never dull in Doomlandia! Congrats!!!!

Eric said...

congratulations to the both of you! well, to all four of you, but I'm assuming the girls weren't direct participants. and good for you for having the courage to try again...

just didn't have enough to do, huh?