Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday Night.

As it usually does I was torn about doing the Monday Night MTB ride. I love doing it and look forward to it, but as the time for departure approaches I long to just chill at home with the family. Having missed the last few rides I knew I had and wanted to make this one. I'm very glad I did.
The night was awesome and I managed to dress the part too. I was sweating but never too much, wearing a long sleeve jersey, bib shorts, and wool knee warmers...awesome set up.

Speaking of set up I know I've mentioned it before but I LOVE my Salsa Selma Ti. That bikes is so nimble, light, solid, fast, dialed all wrapped up in one...just and awesome ride.

We had a good crew of riders: the regulars (Charlie and Jeff) plus Mark M., Matt R. and myself. I sometimes wish for huge numbers but with a group like this it was easy to stay in contact with everyone and we seemed to be all on the same page as far as speed goes. No one wanted to drill and entire lap (ahem: Jimmy, Burt...) but just ride a solid, constant pace. My kind of ride.
Ended with 2.5 hours for the night.

Today I wasn't sure what I planned on doing but think I may go for a 45 minute trail run. When I work 9-5 it is getting harder to sneak rides in. I know I can ride in the dark in the evening but it gets hard to continually do that. Morning rides are out for sometime, or until Jen starts to feel better. Being pregnant tends to make her pretty sick for the first few months...yuck.

I also have opted out of following any specific "training plan". While the idea really intrigues me, I know myself well enough to know that I will go absolutely crazy trying to adhere to the plan. This only makes myself and others around me nuts!
I have started to sketch out my out "loosely" structured training plan. I by no means am an expert but have been coached before when on a team for a bit and have more books than the library on fitness, nutrition, and cycling training. I plan (which my plans tend to change) to focus on the upcoming winter bike races (namely the Arrowhead) then change my focus to doing some local mountain bike races this spring and summer. Something I haven't done for some time. With a new child on the way time will be key and doing shorter events seems like a good idea. Let's see if I stay on this path or not!


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