Sunday, October 16, 2011

Choices in Life.

So the family and I are in Madison, WI visiting my brother-in-law. I brought a bike in hopes of getting out and riding some. Yesterday was a packed day of breakfast, farmers market, lunch, children's science museum, unplanned nap, dinner, and bed. I did have an opportunity to maybe ride for a bit but the wind was gusting to 30+ mph, leaving me less than thrilled to tool around in an area I don't know any "cool" routes, etc....excuses.

So I planned on riding today no matter what...yeah you know where this is going. Some puppy dog eyes from the kids and I'm going swimming instead. May have time to ride yet but most likely not. I guessed I dragged my bike all the way to Madison to hangout on the back of the van, ugh.

All right, Later, Cannonball coming!


Anonymous said...

Good call on both days Ben. I went for a ride yesterday in that wind and it sucked terribly. Great on the way home, but on the way out completely demoralizing. TH

tman said...

There are probably a lot of kid/family fun things to do at the CX race near Madison.