Friday, October 07, 2011

Friday Night Lights.

No I'm not talking football, but night riding.
I plan on leaving work this afternoon/evening and riding 4-5 hours on the gravel steed. But just looking at the weather and I find myself searching out excuses. Gust up to 50 mph?! Yuck. The family is out of town till Saturday so I'm sure I'll go and crank the iPod...and as Eminem says, "Loose yourself in the music".

I ran at the North Loop yesterday and used a heart rate monitor. Man, it's hard to keep your heart rate in level 1 while running. But running slower, no I'm not the fast to start with, I didn't experience any pain any where for the hour+ run I did! Awesome! Still going to try to keep the running to a very minimum. I still have horrible knees.

So with my goal of loosing some weight for the upcoming winter season and just for cycling and life in general I've become consumed with fitness magazines, books, websites, etc. I just love the stuff. If I could go back to college and get a degree for sport medicine, nutrition, science, etc I would in a know if someone paid for it. I just want the knowledge and still run a bike shop!
Anyway I found a pretty sweet and realistic plan that takes anywhere from 4-8 weeks to jump start your training., Quick Start by Matt Fitzgerald. I've never been one to really "follow" a plan but am pretty excited to try this one. My initial beginning of this process was really good but when the race weekend in town neared and my trip to Colorado loomed I got stressed and my efforts were pushed to the back burner. Now that's over I can again focus on the task at hand.
This whole process had me think about coaches too. With just a cursory look I said hell no to that. Man, they want a lot of $$$ for that stuff. I did find a down loadable plan here, but still...

Work has still been pretty consistent with bike related stuff. The surge of warm weather has really helped that. But in doing so my efforts to get the Nordic skis entered, tagged, and on the floor have been stalled. This has now become the goal of the weekend. We'll see.


1 comment:

JennaKate said...

Um, did you just quote Eminem? Jesus, Ben. Seriously?

To add to more of your obsessive fitness web-surfing, I recommend They post free workouts several days/week, 12-20 minutes of HIIT, and the chick in the videos isn't too bad to look at either.

And remember: it's progress, not perfection.