Thursday, October 06, 2011

Still No Race Report.

I've decided not to do a race report here on this blog. I tweeted and did the FB thing all 24 hours so I feel it would be somewhat redundant.
Also, I was asked by Jay Richards to do a race report for Skinny Ski. I will post that here next week when the story is to hit.
Moving on...

Itching to get out on the gravel I got a pretty good ride in Tuesday morning. Despite being sleep deprived it was an awesome time, a bit over 70 miles.
Last night I went out for a 2 hour night ride of the North Loop, also an awesome time. I used some new lights, Light and Motion Stella 1400, and man that lights up the woods! I saw raccoons, turkey, and deer...all running like mad!

You may notice I touched up the blog a bit. It's simple but I like it. You may also note that I updated the Dirt Bag Ride blog. Check it.

Short and Sweet.


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