Friday, October 21, 2011

Honey Badger Don't Give a S@#t.

Well damn.
I had a post all done and ready to publish and poof it was gone.
So now you get the abridged version.

The title was stuck in my head for the entirety of the ride.

Six of us rode gravel last night.
Most of the Dirt Bag I route.
Ended at 10 pm with 3 hours 40 minutes of riding and 65 miles.
Awesome time with awesome guys. Master's Team has some pretty neat stuff brewing!
Got pretty damn cold towards the end. Hands and feet were burning. Got my first case ,of the season, of the "screaming barfies"!

On a different note got confirmation that we are getting the 16 pairs of Lake winter boots in. They left China yesterday. ETA 40 days. I already have some spoken for so let me know if you want some.

Here's the Honey Badger video if you haven't seen it yet. It's one of those things that it is so stupid that its' kind of funny as hell.
Note: not something kids should watch...or I guess not my kids, it's up to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ben
I misread your blog and thought you said it WAS a good video for the girls. So we watched it - TERRIBLE for them! Then I re-read your blog. Sorry for the error. Just, kidding, of course. you remember the night Ebony was outside, in the front yard, going nuts with a badger?