Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dirt Bag II

Well I have officially biked the Dirt Bag II course in its entirety yesterday. We have a tiny issue with the cue cards. My car mileage and bike GPS mileage are off a wee bit but will be fixed before the event.

It took longer than I had anticipated. But checking each turn to make sure the cue cards are correct took some time, it was windy, I was riding the single speed, and it's gravel.
I really like the course. At times I thought it may have too much asphalt but they turn out to be nice breaks from the gravel.
We used some new section, some sections from last year, and ran some sections from last year backwards.

Stats: (according to my GPS)
85.4 miles
a bit over 2500' of climbing.
16 mph avg for a ride time of 5 hours 19 minutes...yeah I was pretty late to work.

Tonight I am meeting a crew for another Dirt Bag ride but at night. In the interest of keeping it fair I will not be taking them on the Dirt Bag II course, well parts of it but in not particular order. Pretty excited for tonight!


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