Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dirt Bag.

Some new info up on the Dirt Bag Blog...check it if so inclined.
I have an afternoon shift today so will be biking the new and improved Dirt Bag course today. We have the cue cards done so checking for accuracy and such. A tad chilly out but should be a good time.
I was a bit nervous with how much it seemed we had left to do for the Dirt Bag, but like last year, it has all come together quite nicely. I'm pretty damn excited for the race.

Had a good night last night with the girls. I was a bit nervous when I got home to get them as Avery was in one of her "pissy" moods. Panera and gym time cured that. Sometimes it's fun to go out to eat with me and my little ladies. We got home in time to watch some of "Biggest Loser". I've mentioned it before, that I am a sucker for reality T.V. Don't know why, I just am. The kids really like that show. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Time to go shake some kids out of bed.


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