Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just Need To Move On.

My so called "saga" continues.
Didn't make the Monday Night Mountain Bike Ride last night and I pouted for a good amount of time. I scold my kids when they pout but when I don't get my way I do the same thing. Hmmm, lets stop and think here...!

We were at the cook out for a bit too long so time was the issue last night. Not only that but at cook outs "healthy" food is not abundant. So more fuel for my pouting.

I was just really bummed not to get out and ride. I really like to kick my goals, etc off on a Monday. A fresh, clean start to the week. Now I feel I'm in a hole and need to work myself out of it. What's my deal?
This is why I don't like to follow programs, etc. I go nuts trying to stick to the "plan". Any monkey wrench tossed in and I don't know what to do. This week was to be my "get ready week" to prepare for my "Quick Start" next week, leading into my eventual training. I may reconsider, since I tend to not know how to react to life's situation when they aren't written in the plan. I really do just want to ride and have fun and this may take away too much of the fun. I don't know. My training does need some focus but if this is how I react I say screw it and lets just ride when we can and enjoy it.

I won't get a ride in today either. Too much going on. As it stands I won't be doing everything that is on the Tuesday schedule.

But...it looks like a lot of riding is on tap for the rest of the week!
Wednesday will be a scouting and double check ride of this years Dirt Bag course.
Thursday is the rescheduled Tuesday Night Ride of last years and this years Dirt Bag course.
Saturday a trail run?
Sunday a good MTB ride and hopefully finishing the patio so that is no longer hanging over my head.

Sorry for the pity party and sorry for all the "".


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