Monday, October 10, 2011

Not A Bad Week.

Monday: road trip back from Colorado...home at 3 in the morning.

Tuesday: 3+ hour ride after 4 hours of sleep.

Wednesday: 2 hour night mtb ride at the North Loop.

Thursday: 1 hour trail run.

Friday: Friday Night Lights, 4 hours of night gravel.

Saturday: 1.5 hour trail run...yeah I know breaking my rule of running only once a week.

Sunday: rain delayed 3.5 hour gravel/asphalt ride.

Sunday was to be a gravel ride with Mr. Anderson and Jimmy but plans were thwarted by the rain. Well a half hour after we called it the skies cleared and the sun started the drying out process. On a tight schedule, worked at noon, I jumped on the All City Nature Boy and was out the door. Without even thinking I found myself heading for the DirtBag route. While I love the route I've done it a lot and decided to mix it up a bit. I checked out some roads I haven't been on before and some old favorites I've ignored. This however threw my internal timing off and I got home around 11:40, work starts at noon. I showered, packed my lunch and got to work at 11:56. Not bad!

Brian has the new Dirt Bag route laid out and plans to check it are in the works. Hell, we have 19 days left...what's the hurry?

On to the current week!

Tonight is the Monday Night MTB Light Ride. 8:30 at the North Loop. I'm in, weather permitting.

I think the MMCC should buy one of these to groom Plum Creek this winter. With the number of Fat Bikes out there I think it's a no brainer! No idea who the kids are in the picture...stole from google images.


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