Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday Moon Light Gravel Ride! by bpdoom at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday Moon Light Gravel Ride! by bpdoom at Garmin Connect - Details

Schedule and timing prevented me from riding in the morning yesterday so I planned on a night ride. As the day progressed I was searching for excuses to bail, I'm a morning person for sure. But since the weather and a not well feeling wife prevented me from the Monday Night Mountain Bike Ride I pushed myself to ride. I'm very glad I did. The hardest part is getting out the door but once that is achieved the rest is easy and fun.
Last night the moon was full, or near, with clear skies. It was amazing how much the moon can light up the roads.
I did a lot of the Dirt Bag ride...again. Still love that route. Gravel roads are usually pretty void of traffic during the day but are completely absent of cars at night!
Ended up with 4 hours of riding, just under 70 miles. Still loving the All City Nature Boy, single-speed. One awesome ride! Sure beats the hour I did on the rollers Monday night after everyone was in bed...that kind of sucks!

Trail Work this Thursday at Plum Creek/River Bluff Trails. Meet at 5:15 at the white gate out front. This is much needed and allow us to ride the rest of the fall and into winter at these trails. Please help if you can.

I have some md and lg Salsa/Revelate frame bags coming into the shop today! Pretty excited to see those. I'm also about 95% sure I secured 17 pairs of Lake Winter boots too! Even more excited about this, since they have very limited numbers for this year. It was hard work even tracking them down.

I may just have to dust of the Pugsley and take it out for a ride this morning. That's still up in the air as I now have a sick child. Ah life is fun and interesting to say the least!

This weekend we are heading to Madison to visit Jen's brother. I'm bringing the Nature Boy. I found a cross race 20 miles away. I have never done a cross race but am very intrigued by it. My knees scare me a bit going into the dismounts, but what better time to do a cross race than over 5 hours away from home, where no one knows me?! Still not decided. I still may just bike out to the race and watch a bit. Hmmm...

Randomness is over...


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