Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nothing Too Note Worthy.

Not much going on or at least exciting stuff. A lot of the same.

The Dirt Bag is this Saturday and while everything seems to be set and in order it has started to preoccupy my mind and has me nervous at times. The numbers are great but also much higher than last year...pressure is on! Ahh, it should be just fine.

Built up a Salsa Vaya yesterday at the shop for a customer/friend! It's going to be tested out on the Dirt Bag! I always somewhat detest building bikes from the frame up but this one was fun and fast...hopefully just like the bike! Super stoked to be a Salsa dealer the bikes and their current philosophy: Adventure by Bike.

Today and Friday I have short days at work. Normally today I would try for a long ride of sorts but yard work and leaf hauling have been put off long enough. When all my neighbors have it done I guess it's my turn. Exciting, I know.
Friday is a short day to finalize any Dirt Bag stuff but was recently contacted by the Minnesota organizer of the High School MTB League. He and the national dude want to have a race at the North Loop next fall. They are coming up this Friday afternoon for a tour. This to me is pretty damn cool! He hopes to get a league/team started in this area too. Very cool! Where was this when I was in high school?!

Done for now...


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