Monday, October 31, 2011


As much as I love putting on the Dirt Bag it is always a sigh of relief when it is done. No matter how casual we try to be in the prep work we still feel a huge responsibility to the hopeful successful running of the Dirt Bag. This in turn creates a bit of stress.
I will deem the second running of the Dirt Bag a success. We had 99 riders show on what turned out to be a gorgeous fall day. I didn't hear of any complaints or of people getting lost. We did run out of chili so the back of the pack didn't get much for food. I'll just have to make more for next year!
Be sure to check out he blog ( this week for photos and results.

I got home around 5:30 on Saturday and was I shot. We spent the evening lounging and not doing much of anything.
Sunday I rode the mountain bike for a bit. I was going to ride gravel but the dirt trails won out. I just wasn't "feeling it" so I headed home after 2 hours of riding. Got a lot of house stuff done so now this week can be about biking, etc! Ha, we'll see how that goes.

I really need to focus. I've been all over the board as far as riding and overall diet. Fall tends to be like that for me. But time is slipping by and the Arrowhead is approaching! Got confirmation on Saturday that a couple of Alaskan ringers will be in attendance once again this year. Damn those guys are fast!

Tonight is trick or treat night but still hope to make the Monday Night MTB Ride. Just won't get my usual preride in, so there at 8:30.


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