Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Ben Fall Down Go Boom.


Last night, after consuming way too much candy (damn), I headed over to the North Loop for the weekly night ride. Just three of us this time, Jeff, Matt, and myself.
On the second lap I hit something, not really sure, and was chucked over the handlebars before I knew what was going on. The best part was I landed squarely on my head. Even better was I landed on my helmet light. It felt awesome. I heard my neck crack, always fun, and laid there a bit trying to assess what the hell just happened.
We continued on but I could tell my neck would be sore today, and yep...it is. Oh well, part of the fun we call mountain biking.
This morning is a little trail run action before work. Maybe some gym time tonight. The patio is 95% done! Just some finishing stuff and clean up this afternoon. Just in time for the snow season.


Oh yeah, race results are up on the Dirt Bag site. Click the upper page link to 2011 results.

1 comment:

tman said...

You gotta try the pumpkin pie blizzard.