Thursday, November 17, 2011

Going With the Flow, and not Freaking About It.

Yesterday was chilly and windy. Left home on the Salsa ti La Cruz...the geared bike, at 5:40. The bottles made it half way before they froze. This is with the Polar bottles, which work great but the tops still freeze. Still works to unscrew and proceed to dump fluid all over yourself.
Finished with 3 hours 20 minutes. Jumped in the shower and headed over to the kids conferences. Damn...I have some smart kids! They get that from their mom.
Off to work, out to eat with the kids, off to Religion (oops, it was canceled), co-op, EnduRunance Shop, home to meet Jen (she had conferences), off for a treat to celebrate a great conference for both kids. Once home it was 7:40. The hill repeats will have to wait.
I was tired and none too excited to head out the door to find some hills. Today was going to be an off day but will sneak in a bit of hill work and some gutter cleaning. Always fun over here.

Now I'm off to bundle up so I can stand in line at Target for the Cities Sampler. It's for Jen, although as I age I find myself liking this stuff a bit more! Still prefer some DKM or Combichrist but there usually isn't a line for those!


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