Friday, November 18, 2011


I was hoping to have Thursday as an off day but scheduling and whatnot changed that...I'm now shooting for Saturday.
I needed to get a hill workout in. I headed over to Cavalry Hill on the Pugsley. Took the long way to get a good warm up in.
They still have the Frisbee Golf stuff up so I was fighting the frolfers for space, it was all good (he, he: inside joke at work). I started counting but decided to let that go and just ride. After the first few times I thought, "this is gonna suck". But several times up the hill later and I was feeling better and having a pretty good time. Weird...I know.
I did sets in the seated position and switched to sets in the standing position. At the top of the sledding hill there is a way around the fence to let you go all the way to the top. It's ridiculously steep and rutted out. The Pugs did awesome, just had to sit on the nose of the saddle and lean forward to keep the bars down.
After a half an hour I decided to head home, more frolfers were coming and Friday is a "speed" day.
On the way home I was feeling pretty damn good so I decided to do a series of hills at Riverside too. Starting at the far south end I went up and back down and up and back down to the far north end. It was a lot of times and some of the hills are way steeper than I thought.
Ended the day with 45 minutes of hills and 1/2 hour warm up and 1/2 cool down. It was nice to have a "structured" workout that doesn't take all day.

Tossed together some homemade chicken noodle soup once home. Jen has a pretty good cold and I thought that sounded good. It sure tasted good. For dessert we headed over to the clinic and got our flu shot. Always fun.


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