Saturday, November 19, 2011


I attempted a speed workout yesterday. My plan was to ride warm up for an hour then ride at tempo for 2-3 hours. Not to be. Just couldn't do it. Ended up riding 1/2 hour tempo, 1/2 hour rest, 1/2 hour tempo, 2 hour lsd, 15 min tempo, 45 min cool down or so. Total 5 hrs. 10 min.

I was bummed at first when I needed to modify my plans but after I felt I got a good workout in.
Attempting speed after hills may not be the best idea, but it's what my scheduling allowed for.
I believe I am going to revamp my training a bit to accommodate for this challenge. The thoughts that go through ones head while suffering is a definite range of emotions!
Today is an off day! Let the legs rest a bit. I am going to the gym to stretch and foam roll, but that's it. Then stand on my feet all day at work!

Let it snow!


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