Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes You Just Don't Want to Ride.

It Snowed!
Got out Sunday morning before work with Brian for a 2 hour Pugsley ride. Awesome time. North Loop, Sand Prairie, secret trails, and St. Benedict Center. It's a hoot to be back on snow.
Today I stayed home with Brinna as she recovers from being sick...nasty head cold.
I did get down to the basement to ride the trainer for an hour. Did a hill work out.
25 minute warm up. 5, 3 minute climbs with a 2 minute recovery and 10 minute cool down. Actually not too bad.

I had planned to do the Night Ride tonight but many others are out and I'm not feeling it. Jen is at conferences, so not too sure when she'll get back either.
Just gotta ride tomorrow then!

While on the trainer my iPod stopped working...noooooo! I'm super bummed and pissed. Hopefully tomorrow morning it works.
Fingers are crossed.


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