Thursday, November 10, 2011


So just to catch y'all up I did ride Tuesday morning. 3 hours 20 minutes of gravel and asphalt in a E/NE direction. Pretty damn good time. Little wind, good bike (single speed Surly Cross Check monstered out), good roads, and good music. Which had me thinking on my ride: why gravel?

Until a few years ago, when I started to explore gravel more, I rode many of the same routes over and over. The benefit being I knew how long they would take me but the boredom would set in and riding became less fun...almost a job. But with gravel tossed in I hop from asphalt to gravel and back again without hesitation. I have yet to double up on a route. I see a new road and I take it. I've been biking for many years and have not had this much fun "exploring"...ever! As Salsa says, "Adventure by Bike".

Gravel also offers much more solitude and freedom than my previous asphalt routes. Yes I encounter cars on gravel but not near the frequency as on paved roads. The scenery and terrain are almost all new to me so the "boredom" of doing the same few routes over and over has not even come close to setting in. On rides I regret that I am sometimes restricted by time. I find myself needing to turn around to head back but keep saying, "I'll turn at the next intersection", wanting to continue my exploration...I just love it.

While I love riding gravel and push it on most people I am not a pioneer of the recent popularity of gravel riding. My good friend Matt Williams first pushed me on to gravel during our long winter rides many years ago and later during the summer on our road bikes (much to the horror of others in the group). Matt prefers "grav" to gravel.
Then the Almanzo (Chris Skogen) came on scene. I missed the first few runnings of the Almanzo: I was still drinking and we just opened Revolution. Kind of interesting that my passion for gravel coincides with my not drinking, hmmm. So gravel, in a way, saved my life?! Maybe.

If I had to pair myself down to just a few bikes I will always make sure I have a "gravel" (adventure) bike in the steed. I currently have 4 such bikes: 2 geared and 2 single. Too many? Perhaps. I've been meaning to sell the LHT for sometime but struggle letting it's like a kid to me! Dork? You bet.

So gravel rocks.
Adventure by Bike.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post this a.m. Ben. Love MOM