Friday, November 11, 2011


I'm up, usual time, but contemplating leaving soon for a ride. I think I may wait a bit and see how the family is doing on the getting out of bed thing. If needed I'll be the "good guy" and stick around to help whip them all into gear!
Otherwise the plan is to leave from the shop on the Nature Boy and head south to south west to west and back. Shooting for 5 hours.
I haven't left from the shop for sometime so it should be fun. I really haven't explored gravel leaving from the shop in ages so that should be even more fun.

Not too sure on weekend plans. I have off Saturday and Sunday (work a few hours at the local ski swap on Sunday) but may just play it kind of low. Get things all squared away at home for winter, etc. I have finalized (with help) a 9 week training plan with 2 weeks recovery for a total of 3, 3 week blocks and 2 week recovery block. This plan has me putting in a lot of hours so getting the home front dialed will be key. This brings me up to the Arrowhead 135. I guess I'm going to toss everything I have at this one. Last year I was 5th. I'd really like to maintain that. But truly I am shooting for top three. Many of the previous athletes are returning so it should be fun, hard, and crazy! So much can happen in this race that just finishing is a huge that is always the number one goal. Well that and not losing and digits!


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