Monday, November 14, 2011

Windy Weekend.

Friday I was able to leave home before the kids were up. I left work on the Nature Boy around 7 or so...I think, that was a long time ago! The theme for the weekend rides I believe will be "windy", the south wind was kicking on both my rides Friday and Saturday. Nothing note worthy happened, I just got out for a 4.5 hour ride in the south/south west direction.

Saturday Mr. Anderson came over around 10 and we headed out for some adventure. Something "funky" was going on with Mr. Anderson's left leg so he turned for home around the 2 hour mark. I was somewhat confused with what to do, I mean I didn't have my music along! It was all good however, and I survived 5.5 hours with my sanity still in check...I think.
Later that night the family and I had a fire on our new patio. We made "hobo" meals and just hung out. Pretty damn fine Saturday.

Sunday was the local ski swap. I had plenty of time in the morning to do something if I wanted. I originally planned to run but my legs were a bit tired from the previous days of riding and I kind of wanted to just hang for a bit. We did and also cleaned...not fun but gets things squared away at home.
I know taking time off is just as important, if not more, than the actual training itself, but it is always hard for me to do. But with my "program" starting today I figured a day of rest prior was not a bad idea...just not an easy one for a dork like me.

The swap was the best yet for us and others! This has me pretty stoked on the upcoming winter and ski season! Lots of new skiers out there, that's plain 'ol awesome.
Bring on winter.

Monday Night Mountain Bike Ride. 8:30 at the North Loop. I'm in.


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