Monday, November 28, 2011


I did manage to mimic Thursdays ride on Friday. Ended with a bit over 6 hours and 102 miles. Again on the All City Nature Boy.

This trip I also went south but stayed on the West side of 15 (for the most part). Found my way to Darwin...home of the biggest ball of twine. I actually stopped and checked it out. I have to admit it was fairly impressive. I ventured a bit further south before making my way west and eventually north. Passed Powder Ridge on the way home. Despite the warm temps they had one run open. I'm ready for the real stuff.

Saturday I did a trail run. Riverside, Talahi woods, behind the St. Benedict Center, half of the Orchard Loop, and parts of the North Loop MTB trails. 1.5 hours. I have no idea on distance. I believe I am running fairly slow as this keeps me almost pain free.

Sometimes running messes with my stomach. I was a bit twisted in the stomach region for the first half of work on Saturday, awesome!

Sunday I set the alarm for 4 so I could get out and finish my ride before the family returned from Jen's parent's home. Didn't make the 4 am wake up call. I was tired and snoozed a few times. I still was on the bike by 5:40.

I was glad the wind was N/NW...a new direction! But damn was it whipping. I was tired at the start so I headed east for a bit to give the body time to wake up mentally and physically. It took about 2-3 hours before I felt like I could ride all day. I've notice the longer I ride the longer it takes me to get "warmed" up. During the Tuesday Night Rides from the shop I feel "ready to go" when we are over half done. Endurance riding I guess.

Route: STC, Airport, almost Foley, Gillman, Belle Prairie, Little Falls, Sobieski, Glendale, Holdingford, Albany, Avon, St. Joe, STC, and home. 131 miles in 8 hrs 6 minutes.

Hours 3-6.5 flew by. I wasn't shot the last hour but was just ready to be done. I was surprised at how well my legs felt once I was off the bike. During some of the climbs or windy sections they were screaming at me. After I did some stuff I laid on the couch and vegged for a bit. When the family got home I got up...yeah the legs weren't feeling too hot then!

Again I was on the Nature it. Got to know it well this week, over 20 hours in it alone.

This morning I was going to spin the legs out on the trainer before getting the girls ready for school. But I say screw that. Resting. Maybe a spin tonight...maybe.

I'm out for the Night Ride.


1 comment:

Kyia said...

Impressive!!! Good work Doom!