Friday, November 25, 2011

Shop till you I Mean Bike till you Drop.

Not a bad Thanksgiving.
Out the door a tad before 6 am on the All City Nature Boy. No gravel, all paved roads...just rolling.
STC, Clearwater, Becker, Monticello, Buffalo, French Lake, St. Augusta, STC, and Home. 6 hours and 100 miles. Time for some turkey.

In anticipation of a Thanksgiving feast I ate a salad and held off on anything was around noon. I thought we were to be eating by 3...nope not till 5. I was famished. I didn't get any elbows in the ribs or kicks to the shins from Jen so I must not have been eating too fast! Jen's aunt is a great cook. I was one of 3 that went back for seconds, WTF?! I wanted 3rds but held off. I did play clean up on both kids plates however!

Today I am shooting for about the same in the ride department. Then it's off to work to help dazed shoppers. Damn Black Friday. Tomorrow is shop local it up!


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