Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Snap, Crackle, Pop...that's gonna hurt.

Yesterday morning I woke up standard time, everything was fine. Coffee, oatmeal, Internet, newspaper time, etc. Around 6:30 I head back upstairs to start the "fun" process of waking people up. Lately I've been laying in bed with Avery and playing on my phone. It works, the draw to see what I'm doing is way more interesting than sleep! This time my neck did something and I now have a funky upper back, lower neck thing going on...sweet.

I still got out and rode yesterday. It actually wasn't too bad. Turning to look for cars behind me was a bit of a trick but worked. Rode the Monster Cross Check for 3 hours 20 minutes. Got blasted with melting snow...fenders are now back on!

Time has me short this morning so out for a trail run and back in time to bring the kids to school. Now where are my headlamps?

iPod still dead. I'm going to light a candle.


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