Thursday, November 03, 2011

Too Much Running?

I'm still amazed that I can run without pain this fall. Got out for an hour trail run on Tuesday morning. I've said it before and I'll say it again: nothing beats running for a quick workout. But even with how much I'm currently enjoying the runs, my heart is and always will be with biking.

Yesterday I got the nod to leave early and leave the kids and Jen to ready themselves individually! My goal was to be out of the house by 6, but managed 5:30. Damn if it isn't pitch black out. With the cloud cover the sun really didn't make a difference in lighting till 7 or so. I went with just flashing lights. This made navigating the gravel roads a bit tricky, but doable. Had a great time riding and glad I pushed myself out of bed. Nothing beats, for me, early morning rides.

I'm debating if I want to head down towards Henderson this Sunday for the final Milltown Cycles gravel ride. I'm half thinking of biking there, doing the ride, then seeing if Jen can pick me up or snag a ride to the cities and get picked up there....again with the decisions.



Anonymous said...

Running and biking, sounds like a 'Cross plan..

the schad family said...

This is how it starts. Next thing you know you'll be all jacked up about running a "5k"