Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Change of Plans.

Whoa...I forgot how slow and how much work riding the Pugs on the open road is! Got out for 3.5 hours yesterday morning. I've been riding the Pugs a lot recently but all in the woods. Out on the road it because clear it's a much different story, especially mentally. I will be putting my leg over the Pugs more often when it's time to do my L.S.D. rides from now on.
Also rediscovered different muscles and their dislike for 100mm BB shell and the difficulty of reviving sleeping/numb hands with pogies and only liner gloves on...all will be the norm with some more saddle time.

Saddle time...nice lead in for my next thought.
I've had sometime to think while on the bike recently and I've come to the conclusion that I am going to abandon my "training plan". Don't get me wrong, I've thoroughly enjoyed having a schedule of what I should shoot for every week. However, me being me (I knew this would happen), I agonize over squeezing in every once of time for riding to reach that weeks goal. If I see it will be difficult I start to semi-freak out...and for what?

I've gotten away from my mantra, motto, whatever of: "just go for a ride". So that's what I'm going back to. I will still record my daily doings in a journal, I find that fascinating, and will still look at the "plan" but saying I'm not doing it will remove any pressure to do it.
I love riding and training but want to keep it that way. Also with the holidays, not my favorite time of year, are coming up I need to spend more time with my family and enjoy it and not be Mr. Crabby Pants cause I didn't get my 5 hour ride in.

If I was single and childless I would most likely have a rigid training program. While the riding may be hard the required time would be easy. But I am married, have two kids with one on the way...and I'm damn excited and wouldn't change any of it, I'm a lucky man in so many ways.

So yeah, just go for a ride...any ride.
Like me heading for the basement right now before I have to get the kids ready for school.



Ron said...

Ben, you ARE a lucky man, and I think your change of plans is a good thing. Enjoy the riding, don't make it a job.

LvilleTex said...

Solid in every way.