Monday, December 05, 2011

Still No Snow...nothing to do with the content, we just don't have any snow yet...damn.

Friday morning I did a "hill/climbing" workout in the basement. I followed along to a DVD. I kind of like having the structure of a coach (or whatever) telling you what to do, when to do it, and for how long and hard. I definitely feel my outside workouts are harder but not always better. So just mixing them up. With warm up, DVD, and cool down I got in 2 hours of sweat inducing fun.

Saturday was trail run day. I'm sorry for constantly bringing it up but man do I like running on trails. I wish I could do it everyday. But then my knees would fall once a week it is. I was shooting for a long one and achieved it without any stomach issues, or knee issues. A wee bit over 2 hours. Just a bit curious how far that is but truly have no idea.

Sunday I had off from work so traditionally I would put in some big hours on the bike. I actually got up around 5 am to prepare but decided to go back to bed for a bit!
According to my weekly plan and what I had left to do I should put in a 5 hour ride. I just wasn't feeling it and have really decided to use the whole week as a recovery week after the previous hard week of riding.
So around 9 or so I saddled up the Pugs and headed out to the local trails. I have yet to ride at Quarry Park this year so I stated there...the other end of town and some. Always a good time riding there. Since I don't ride there very often I don't have a set route and just end up meandering all over. Still fun.
On the way out I noticed a trail off to my right. I was checking it out visually when I drilled a metal gate used to keep cars out. Awesome! Going done in the cold always hurts more.
From there is was off to Oak Hill Big Woods, River Bluffs, Plum Creek, Beaver Island Trails, Talahi Woods, and home.
2 hours 30 minutes...good enough.

Later we headed out to Tommy T's Christmas Tree Farm between Becker and Big Lake. Picked a tree and back home. Kids are damn crazy lately. I'm going nuts. Must be Christmas. Ready for January!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also think both the trainer and the trail running can help the Winter Biking.