Friday, December 16, 2011

Top Products of '11 Continued.

Again these are for me. Some are old some are new, but all new to me in 2011.

6.) Garmin Edge 800. I've had the Edge 705, which was replaced with the 800 this year. The ability to switch between screens by a swipe is pretty nice, but having the ability to have multiple screens is pretty awesome. Many say to me they don't need the mapping feature. I don't "need" it either but it is something I do use a lot. On longer rides I set it in this mode to take my mind of how far or how long I've gone. I also use it to see if a new road goes through and where. The possibilities for exploring are endless with this unit. Expensive: yes, but worth it to me.

7.) XXC Mag. XXC is a magazine dedicated to endurance off road cycling. They did a special write up about the Dirty Kanza 200 last year and my backside is on the cover, but I like it not just because of that! Many of the articles are written by the athletes themselves, a perspective not usually achieved in other mags. I have also learned of many other events throughout the US because of this. Definitely worth the read. You won't find it at Barnes & Noble so check out the site.

8.) Road ID. I go on long rides, through areas I've never been. Jen always liked me to take my drivers license with...just in case. Not sure why but this seemed like a nuisance to me. Enter Road ID. I scoffed at the idea in the past but I have now worn one, constantly, for the entire year. It makes a nice statement that yeah I'm a biker, but is actually there if something does happen. Pretty sweet idea and cheap too.

9.) Nutrition. Nutrition is not new to me nor is the knowledge that it is important. But this year I have almost exclusively switched to Hammer products and most recently some CarboRocket. Both products leave my stomach at ease on hard workouts! The low levels of sugar really seems to be key in this, for me at least. From Hammer I use, HEED, Recoverite, Whey protein, Tissue Rejuvinator, and Perpetuem. I have recently started adding CR and CR 333 into the mix for some variety. The CR products dissolve instantly and require no shaking once dissolved. The taste of the 333, in my opinion, is far superior to Perpetuem. I will be using this at Tuscobia and the Arrowhead.

10.) Adventure by Bike. OK, it's not a product but a simple saying that says a lot and really depicts, for me, my feeling towards biking this year. So yeah, I guess I've taken several glasses from the Salsa Cycles kool-aid jug...and I hope to go back for more. Salsa has found the niche they've needed and have excelled with it. Absolutely love it. All I ask for is a t-shirt with nothing else on besides: "Adventure by Bike.

So there you have it, my top 10 products, in no particular order, of 2011. I'm sure I have overlooked something but for now I'm sticking with this.

I leave for Park Falls, WI this early afternoon. Sounds like they still have some snow on the ground, so at least it is white. I now wish I was doing the 150 this week. In my training plan, the one I've abandoned but still peruse, has this being a "big" week. I had hoped to bike a lot more but life didn't allow. But I'm cool with that and will just roll with it. I'm pretty excited to see the group of crazies that call these events fun!


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