Tuesday, January 10, 2012


  • I find it kind of strange, ok a lot strange, that when guys shave at the gym they do it naked. Being naked is fine, no problems, but when you lean forward to see what you are doing and your junk rests on the counter...that sucks.

  • My neck is one move from being f'd up. Great. Moving gingerly.

  • Another nice day, well depending how you look at it. I work till 3. Leaving my house at 4 for a 3-4 hour ride on the All City. Just saying.

  • Thursday is going to be cold. Good. I'm riding the Mukluk far...no matter what...no excuses.

  • Patting my own back: down to one cup (16oz which is 2 but whatever) of coffee a day, sometimes less. About a soda a week, usually caffeine free.

  • I want to do a multi day bike camping style race. Someday.

Time to work.



J-No said...

Have you tried blow drying your junk? I never have, but it seems to be popular in the locker room at the gym. I was wondering if I was missing out on something.


Eric said...

well, just as long as their junk isn't resting on your chin while they shave.

chance said...

dude ben, I don't know about a race but if you want in, I'm trying to organize a bike packing trip on the camba trails next summer with a guy named ron from camba, he is going to help link the trails together, not sure on the distances, something like 30-50miles a day, i know that might be short for you but I will die with a back pack on, haha. I'll keep you updated