Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Little Bo Peep Ate His Sheep.

Mentioned yesterday my neck/back were one the verge of being a literal "pain in the neck". As the day progressed it worsened so I tossed in the towel and made a massage appointment. Not a huge fan of massages...I don't do well with bones, etc. But it seems to help a bit so why not.
Every time I get a massage I feel like I'm drunk leaving the room. The bright lights have me squinting and I can't really head is all foggy. The lady you pay had to tell me I was done paying and I could leave. WTF?!

I felt like a nap when I got home but fought the urge. 50 degrees is too good to pass on a ride, sore neck and all.
Got out for a 3 hour cruise. Asphalt and gravel...great times. The neck was ok but anytime I wanted to see behind me it was a whole body endeavour.
It's not terrible this morning but not good either. Thinking of hitting the sauna at the gym today and that's it.
Tomorrow I have off and truly hope to put in some hours on the Mukluk. Hurl, over at Cars R Coffins put out a call for riders to join Team CRC and do 12 in '12. 12 centuries that is, so tomorrow is my attempt at 100 on the Mukluk.

Time to toss some lamb in the crock pot, baaahhh.


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