Tuesday, July 24, 2012

4 Days, 16 Hours.

Not a bad few days.

Friday I got a 3 hour ride in.  Nothing special, just spinning the legs.

Saturday Jen and I got some cleaning and errands done before the kids returned from my parent's cabin.  Then it was off for a ride on the Fargo.  Didn't really feel like riding and thought I'd get 2 hours in.  As time ticked by I was having more and more fun, ended with a bit over 3 hours.

Sunday I was up early and on the bike a tad past 6.  I was on the way to the in-laws cabin some 60 miles north.  Jen and the girls were heading up later to spend the week there.  I took more of a meandering route with lots of fun, new gravel tossed in.  The humidity and heat were doing their best to beat me down.  I had plenty of water and a couple stops to keep me on track.  Ended with 5 hours and 85 miles.
The rest of the day was spent playing in and around the lake...perfect weather.

Monday some more lake time with the kids and Legos!  Avery is really digging them...I too dig Legos!  Around 4 I was back on the bike to Cloud town.  It's always hard, for me, to leave the family, especially when they are at a cabin and I'm heading back to an empty house and work.  Oh boo hoo!

I was surprised at how good both I and the legs felt.  I somewhat thought I'd take a direct flight home but that was not the case.  Took the road to Hillman, from there I jumped on the Soo Line ATV (all gravel) trail.  I took that to it's start at Hwy 10 near Little Falls.  The trail was a lot of fun minus the horse/deer flies...they were wicked.
Stopped in Bowlus to refuel.  I took the Wobegon or paved Soo Line trail(not sure on the name here) into Holdingford.  Kept waiting for a gravel road to intersect it.  Found a suitable road and was off the Wobegon.  From there it was east, south, east, south, east, and home.
4 hrs 45 minutes for 82 miles.

Monday Night Lights was happening and I could have made it to ride some more gravel with the guys but wasn't up for another 3 hours and a midnight end time...next week!

Today is the Tuesday Group Ride but once again I'm bailing.  Legs nor I (mentally) am up to turning myself inside out.  Will most likely get out for a spin at sometime, rain permitting.

Excited to get back to work.  Such a great group of guys we have.  If I'm gone more than two days I start to miss them and wonder what stories I'll get to hear when I get back!  Right Burt!


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Anonymous said...
