Thursday, July 26, 2012

Let's see...

Tuesday I didn't do much.  Thought about riding a couple hours with Mike but decided on some gym time (it's been a long time) after work then off to my folks for some dinner and a trip to Coldstone to celebrate 4 years sober.  Man, ice cream for booze?  You bet!

Yesterday I hit the gym up a bit again in the morning...a little sore today!  Then off to the licensing center to apply for a passport.  My first one!  Plans are for me to go with Mike and help him out at his 24 Hour World Solo Championship bid!!!  Canmore, BC here I come.
Then later that day at work I finalized some paper work for life insurance...dang I'm a big boy now!

Done at 8, close, etc.  Home and geared up for an awesome night ride with Lurch and Barf.  Rode North a good portion.  We were treated to a great lighting show.  Took them to the creek crossing.  Still high but consensus was to keep going and not back track.  We're not crazy or brave like Death Rider so we waded across with shoes, socks, and bike in hand.  Awesome.  It's the small things.
Zigged, zagged, and chatted.  3 hours 15 minutes 53 miles. 

Home, showered, in bed around 1:15 am.  No early departure for this guy.
Work 9-noon.  If the weather holds I'm heading back to the in-laws cabin to spend the day with the family (miss them).  Back home tonight.  It's a short trip, driving this time!

Normally I would have worked till noon and put in an all day effort on the bike.  I've ridden a lot recently and really trying to keep priorities in order!  Family!...and mine rules!

Later Dudes.

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