Monday, July 16, 2012

Back in the Saddle.

It has been concluded that I was over trained.  I haven't been riding any more than years past, but about the same.  However, toss in the following: oppressive heat, a new born, the busiest work has ever been, plus an unplanned bathroom remodel all add up to one tired Benny!
I took 5 days off from any form of exercise.  This is a pretty big, hard deal for me.  But I survived and don't think I was too much of a dick to be around.

Yesterday morning I got out for a 2 hour 45 min gravel ride.  I was excited, felt great, and had fun...minus the noisy BB!
But...can't go without an issue, my right ankle is sticking the screws to me.  Goal for this week is getting in to a Dr. to have it looked at.  Putting up with it for 3 years or so is enough.

Today is our (Jen and I) 13 year anniversary.  Old folk.  So far we have bathroom demolition planned.  My attendance at the Monday Night Ride is up in the air.
It's still on however: 8:30 at the North Loop...MTB again this week.  Gravel next week.

Enjoy the heat.


1 comment:

rideonpurpose said...

If you were actually "overtrained" 5 days wouldn't fix it? I'm hoping/thinking you were just worn out a bit. Congrats to you both.