Monday, August 06, 2012

Another Weekend.

And like that, the weekend is over...poof.

Friday I was at work a bit early so no morning riding, etc.  Back home after work on the couch, watching the Olympics, eating ice cream like a champ...I tossed out (not off) a text.  Minutes later I was gearing up to ride a couple laps at the North Loop.  Technology saved me from a night of tv!

Saturday morning I had plans to ride with my brother in-law.  Original time was 6 but with the overcast skies and dwindling day light we pushed in back to 6:30.  We got a nice 2 hour ride in before work.

Sunday we met up again, this time joined by Matt.  We got a solid 3 hours in of gravel and whatnot.  Stopped of at Brian's to say hi on the way back.  Busted balls on cty rd 8 to get Matt back in time.  That was pretty tough.  Wind. Single Speed.  Fun.

Today I thought about hitting the gym this morning but the family is off for another week of cabin life.  Hoping the kids wake up before I have to leave for work this morning.  One last hug.

Tonight we have a Monday Night Mountain Bike Ride at the North Loop.  8:30 pm start time.  End time is TBD.  May ride all at the Loop may venture elsewhere.  Be prepared!  Fun stuff.


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