Wednesday, December 20, 2017

You Don't Say...

Yesterday was a busy, but good day.  Retail during the holidays tends to get a bit hectic as the "big" day nears.  Yesterday was such a day!  I had to leave early to catch Harper's class performance.  Then it was home to cook dinner early so we could head to Avery's orchestra concert.  Plus it was Jen's birthday!  So yep, no riding.

I was super excited just a couple days ago for all the snow coming our way.  It was going to be a riot busting through on the fat bike.  But guess what?!  The snow will all but miss us.  First round is staying up North and the second round is staying SE.  I know better than to get sucked in by the potential of early forecasts but when it's everywhere it's so hard not to.  Ugh.

I'll ride tonight.  Not sure what or where.  The cooler temps have started to creep in with Christmas not making it about 0.  I'm guessing it will be another night down at Sand Prairie.   Or gravel roads out and around Foley.  See how the wind and my mind is at go time.

Hump Day.

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