Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Night Fat Biking.

Last night was the first time this season that I was able to fat bike at night.  It's one of my favorite types of riding.  It takes ordinary trails, that would normally be blah, and transforms them into fun sections that allow you to do multiple loops.  There always seems to be something new each lap.  Speaking of laps, that's what I did.  I hit up River Bluffs at the start.  I mixed up the order of the laps but did 3 laps each on the upper prairie, lower prairie, and Time Waster onto the reservoir.   Even tossed in a Me so Thorny run.  Then it was Plum Creek, the race track at Talahi, parts of the North Loop and Friedrich Park.  The picture below gives the ride beta.

As and added bonus it was much cooler than it has been too.  Not that I love the cold but I still have some acclimating to do before the Arrowhead.  The temperature in itself wasn't that cold but the wind was still whipping.  The side of my thighs were pretty red at rides end!

Better yet was I didn't have any head or neck issues from the ride!  Progress is being made.

 Keeping with the theme of this post, this Friday at 6:00 pm, the  MMCC is hosting the first of 3 Full Moon Fat Bike Rides.  This Friday it's at the North Loop.  Come join us for a good time.  No matter the temp we will ride.  Last year we did one at Quarry Park.  I thought no one would show as it was way colder than it is now.  But we had double digits for riders!  It was a blast.

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