Wednesday, February 19, 2020

SP is Good!

Dinner made, Harper at class, it's time to ride.  I headed for the Race Track to see if the new and blowing snow made it any easier to ride the loop.  I decided to take a different way down to the river via Talahi Woods.  I was actually able to do a mini loop in the woods!  Back in the day this was our only spot to MTB.  With our more legit trails the trees, buckthorn, and such have taken the trail back.  Last year the city acquired the property and mowed all the underbrush down.  It was rough and small but it was riding!  The Race Track itself was much better than it had been so I did a few laps to warm up the legs before heading down to Sand Prairie.

Just like the Race Track I was wondering if the snow smoothed the roughness that is Sand Prairie.  It's also pretty open so I wasn't sure what the drift situation would be.  It was amazing!  It had drifted and blown over much of the trails but it was all rideable and mostly smooth!  Every time I came to a windblown section I figured I'd spin out halfway through and have to walk.  Nope!

I spent a bunch of time down at Sand Prairie.  Doing all the trails more than once and a bunch of laps on the swamp.
Cruising the Pond.

The north wind was still pretty strong and the temperature was dropping.  I had enough and wanted shelter so I headed to the North Loop.  I did a full lap before heading over to Fred Park for a full lap there then home.
Ride Info.

Nothing like getting home from a chilly ride to chili on the stove!  It was a good night.  I may sneak a short ride in tonight if it works out.  I'm liking having Brinna as a driver now...she can pick up Avery!

Time to row!

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