After work I mowed and put down some organic/natural fertilizer stuff as rain was predicted the rest of the weekend. Not sure but I think we then had a fire that night. The days are blending!
Sunday I was up and out on the Evergreen before anyone else was stirring. I did wait a bit as it was very foggy. I ended up doing the Dirt Bag course. The wind was low most of the ride and I stayed dry...well at least from rain, I was sweating in the humidity pretty dang good.
Sunday on the Dirt Bag course.
Monday was a similar start time, but on the Cutthroat and heading North. About 4 or so miles from home I was just starting to turn when the rear tire hit a piece of metal. It put a 2-3" slit in the tire. It went instantly flat. Because I was starting a turn the tire ripped off one side. Carbon rims on asphalt is slippery...I went down.
What a mess.
I thought about calling for a ride but no one was up yet and figured I should give it shot at fixing it. I love tubeless but dealing with it when you have to put in a tube is a mess. Plus the gnats were ridiculous. I always carry my tube in a ziploc baggie to help prevent any holes from rubbing while in my seat bag. I used this baggy as a patch on the inside of the tire. It worked amazingly well! I headed back home, sprayed the bike down to get rid of the sealant, grabbed the Evergreen, and headed back out.
I changed my original ride plans, so now I was riding up to Little Falls and back, along the Mississippi River. A great route that I haven't done yet this year. I added a few extra turns etc in as well. Can leave well enough alone.
The Ride.
Once home I showered, changed, got the families bikes ready, and we headed out for a short ride. We headed down the Beaver Island Trail. Got ice cream at McDonald's and headed back. A new record for Harper, almost 11 miles!
Back to work this morning. Still humid and Jen still won't let us turn on the AC! Hoping it rains this afternoon/evening. We need the moisture and maybe that will break the humidity.
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