Monday, June 22, 2020

Some rides and some cleaning.

Saturday it worked for Jim and I to get out for a ride together. We met up at Onyx and set off for the Dirt Bag route.  The wind was low most of the day.  The direction seemed to be variable but not a real issue for the ride.  Unless you are Jim...he fully expects a tailwind on the way home. If not you'll hear about it!

We did the the first section of the Dirt Bag (that I created with Brian) but then decided to follow the newest version (John and Greg's creation).  I don't know this route very well. Jim had it on his Garmin so he cued it up and we followed the course.  Despite the Garmin we missed a turn. In effort to get us back on course his Garmin led us on a weird, circuitous route.  All fun and new!

We really lucked out with the weather.  Nice temps, low wind, and overcast skies.  Nonetheless we needed a water refueling at French Lake.  Lanto's Gas Station is the best.

 The ride.

An hour or so after getting home I brought 4 of my bikes to the backyard for a good washing.  I recently purchased the Muc Off Bike Power Washer.  Man that thing is amazing.  Makes for a fast, efficient cleaning.
Drying in the sun.

Sunday I got out for 50ish miles in the morning.  More pavement than not but some good gravel sections were involved.  The legs started off pretty heavy but came around and felt good near the rides end. 
Later that afternoon we headed over to my parent's house.  My sister and her family were there as well.  It's been forever, like Christmas, since we've gotten together.  For the most part we maintained our distance and such.  It was good to see everyone again.

Onto another week.  I feel like I could use another day at home but work doesn't wait.  I do like Monday's for the most part.  I like to see what happened over the weekend and we usually have one of our busiest days on Monday.

Happy Week. 

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