Friday, September 11, 2020

Busy No Ride Day.

 Yesterday morning was down right chilly.  Not even 40 degrees.  I got up with Toby at 5:30 and took my time potentially getting ready to ride.  We had a goal setting conference with Harper and her teacher at 10:15, which meant we had to be on our way before 10.  After that I had to bring Brinna to the dentist.  Later that evening I had to time at a swim meet, the only way to watch the kids swim live (available to parents of seniors).  

I ended up not riding.  Of course the day turned out gorgeous. Sunny, low to no wind, and warmer temps.  Oh well, it's good to have off days.  It turned into an "off" eating day as well!  Too many unhealthy things and not enough good things.

It's 36 degrees and no wind at the moment.  I hope to get out a bit earlier than normal and get in more of the Dirt Bag.  Work doesn't open till 11.  I like to get there around 9 but I'll push that back closer to 11.

I bet my hands freeze!

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